Featured merchants:Lin Xiyu & Ye Meisen
Featured merchants Bamboo fragrance extraction productLin Xiyu & Ye Meisen
Lin Xinyu and Ye Meisen come from Guilin Village of Nantou. Before the 921 earthquake, although they were all familiar with the bamboo processing industry, especially Ye Mason. From an early age, they also learned a lot of skill in bamboo weaving. Lin Xi-yu was an excellent tea master. Unexpectedly, the 921 earthquake caused great harm to the couple. Ye Mason, a housewife, later took part in the government-sponsored training center for disaster victims' second specialty. Lin also chose the most familiar bamboo art. She was able to spend the hardest time of training and take a big step forward in creation skills of bamboo art.
As the husband and wife are greatly familiar with the characteristics of bamboo, so from harvesting, drying, cutting and other processes, they can deal with the work easily. At present, Lin Xinyu and Ye Meisen are skilled in creation of bamboo art and design. Their creation is no longer confined to the general daily necessities, furniture and the like. For example, their efforts have recently been made for the creation of bamboo musical instruments with success. In order to further expand achievements and development for bamboo creation, the coupled joined the Bamboo Arts Research Association to study and work together on a variety of bamboo arts skills and ideas with many teachers and experts invited by the Association for their new techniques and new ideas. This is a most valuable opportunity for further learning and training.
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