Technology supply
Technology supply
No. Classification Title 1 energy saving Fire-retardant-treated Low-formaldehyde-emission Particlebo
ard2 energy saving FRESH-KEEPING CONTAINER 3 energy saving Slipper 4 energy saving A BAMBOO CHARCOAL PAPER AND PAPERMAKING METHOD THEREOF 5 Biotechnology Domestic Production And Application Technology of Bamboo Ch
arcoal & Vinegar6 energy saving Application of bamboo charcoal on water purification techno
logy7 Equipment materials The Application of Bamboo Carbon Material on Electrode Mate
rial of Energy Storage8 Cultivation and mass productio Urban Vegetable Package 9 Biotechnology Technology of application on Bamboo Flavor and Functional C
omponents10 energy saving Application of TORREFACTION Technology on the Development o
f Bamboo in Biomass System